
人生就像一个摩天轮,坐在某个包厢的我们时高时低,就像人生的起落。 当人生遇上了低潮,只要坚持不放弃,等待时机的出现,总会有机会再攀上高峰。

Today is the day that we pass up our taxation assignment. After class, we have plan in advance tat we would go for a steamboat together. However, since the time after class is still early, so we go to visit the Segi hostel first (Haha...1st time go to friend's hostel leh...some more is guys hostel XD). It is better than my earlier thought....at least it is clean and not so messy.

We have waste so much time to wait all people RELATED to gather at the outside of Casa Subang because we need Alex to guide us go to the venue (in fact we also go by ourself lo...cannot follow his speed =.=).

Finally, we settled down in Tasty Pot (my stomach already playing drum...lolz). We eat and eat, take photo and take photo, then eat again...haha! This process has took us about 4++ hours. Not forgotten, we also have prepare one surprise for Chun Teng...buy a birthday cake secretly and celebrate for her there.

Lastly, to all the RELATED friends, I really enjoyed to hang out with you all, so we should do this more often...hehe XD. It's a sweet memories in my college's life page...hope we all can still get along even though we have graduated.

Yummy!!! So many foods are waiting 4 me...>w<

Start to eat lo...i am very hungry liao..hehe

Half side white-clothed VS half side black-clothed

The lamb is so tasty till Connie also don't want
put it down even taking photo...lolz...

The table is very messy and dirty leh...

- 寿星女 Chun Teng -

- Girl Group Photo -

- Boyz Group Photo -

Lastly, let's take a big group photo (tis is my ever favourite
and nice photo)


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