
人生就像一个摩天轮,坐在某个包厢的我们时高时低,就像人生的起落。 当人生遇上了低潮,只要坚持不放弃,等待时机的出现,总会有机会再攀上高峰。

After yesterday trip to Bagan Lalang beach, I have collected so many nice seashell. So, today have to work on it - WASH!!! The seashell is full of mud and dirt, so I have consume a lot of time to claen it >.<

When I look at the pail thoroughly, then only I know we have pick up many ALIVE seashell. Oh no~I was so fear of the alive thingy...they still can move leh @.@

tools to clean

so many seashell have to be clean...OMG!!

The cleaned seashell

Thorny seashell

mini seashell~

The seashell is so tiny


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