
人生就像一个摩天轮,坐在某个包厢的我们时高时低,就像人生的起落。 当人生遇上了低潮,只要坚持不放弃,等待时机的出现,总会有机会再攀上高峰。

Today is the last class of Company Law, last class in this semester, last class with seniors, last class with April DIA. Most probably after exam, we will very very less meet them again, can't play with Connie already T.T

Yesterday go yumcha at Old Town and I ordered Teh Tarik. Gosh~ I have made a wrong decision in my life!!! I can't sleep at night till 4am. The other morning class also, I just slept less than 3 hours. Inadequate sleep will just kill me, headache, dizzy, tired, feeling want to vomit all come at once, really no mood and energy to do anything. I think last time also I try this once, but I forgot it and drink teh again...arggghh~ I swear and friends, please remind me don't ever drink any teh again!!!

=.= u can guess who is this silly people??
Today is the first day work for my second job -- tuition job at ex-teacher tuition centre. My first class is Form 3 Sejarah with 20 students??!!! At first, I thought it's still ok for the theory subject, but I realised I am wrong when I entered into the big class and face to all those students. I can felt my hand was shaking. Luckily, after some time, finally I get myself settle down and no more shivering or shaking nervously...haha~

found this funy thing while driving...can you see what wrote on there?? haha



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