
人生就像一个摩天轮,坐在某个包厢的我们时高时低,就像人生的起落。 当人生遇上了低潮,只要坚持不放弃,等待时机的出现,总会有机会再攀上高峰。

Everyday staying at home, with no direction, now only I realise actually lifeless day is more stressful than busy day. In busy day, at least I have a clear path but in lifeless day, I like walking in a dark unknown place with no torchlight. I thought to get a part time job in kindergarden or primary learning centre. However, I give up this mind after listen to Hui Nin's stressful complaint.

These recent days seem giving me more pressure than those study days. Annoyances and problems coming like flood, feel strengthless to solve them. I think I just need someone's ear =(

Tonight, although it's not really related to us, but we have to attend the buffet dinner. Fried rice, fried mihun, roasted pork, fried wantan, fried fish pieces, fried popiah, prawn, rendang chicken, curry chicken, fried chicken, vegetables, kuihsss, glutinous rice, yam cake, soup mee, ice kacang, soya, red bean dessert, tang yuan......so many foods!!!

First time I ate till so full, full until my stomach feeling wanna burst, can't even sit! Now finally I undersatnd the feeling of sibeh full, wanna vomit out all those foods! The worst part is you can see the food list is mainly FRIED....now I am having sore throat T.T



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