
人生就像一个摩天轮,坐在某个包厢的我们时高时低,就像人生的起落。 当人生遇上了低潮,只要坚持不放弃,等待时机的出现,总会有机会再攀上高峰。

It's our Lee's 20th birthday!!! Too bad, this year only 3 of us celebrating with her. We just having a simple dinner at Carbon Brasa. The heroin even claimed to go for mamak =.= After dinner, we just have a tour of IOI Boulevard, walking all around to relieve the fullness of my stomach.

jasmine tea with a cute spoon

my lemon honey drinks

Fried kuey teow of Lai

black pepper beef slices with rice

my salad pork chop rice
the pork chop not really taste great compared to Kim Gary
but the rice is awesome...it's not just white rice but some kind of egg fried rice which is very fragant

our birthday girl~~~


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