
人生就像一个摩天轮,坐在某个包厢的我们时高时低,就像人生的起落。 当人生遇上了低潮,只要坚持不放弃,等待时机的出现,总会有机会再攀上高峰。

My mom was sicked, she feeling dizzy and thus I have to bear all those houseworks today. I am being waked up early to buy breakfast and bring mom go see doctor. After settled all housework, I have to go for interview opposite IOI. Though I have go earlier by about 45 minutes, but I still used up lot of time to get the location and nearly late =.=

Today interview, today start work. Today was a busy day, rushing to work place after fetch my sister. Ohya~almost forget to tell what is my job, work as a marker in Kumon. However, everything is out of my expectation, much more tired and hungry! I worked from 5pm to 9.30pm without dinner break, mark exercise non-stop, even don't have the free time to go for toilet. Checking the exercise answer against those stack of answer books, this is totally torturing my eyes.

When I am driving back, I really wish I could close my eyes as my eyes really feeling PAIN!!! I think I hungry till wanna vomit, go home eat dinner also eat very less although those was my favourite food. I even feeling dizziness and slept for 12 hours. Conclusion, this job not suitable for me, if continue to work I will blind lo!



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